Got to know Grace and Jane at the blogger's party in May this year. Grace's bakes are always amazing and interesting; whereas Jane seems to have 24 hours more than anyone else with her constant baking and cooking and recently her new venture in conducting baking workshops. Both have been very encouraging through their little notes left in my little blog-space and i'm grateful for that ;-) As requested by them, here's the step-by-step of making a bumble bee. Hopefully the below illustrations are helpful and clear.

Hi quizzine,
Wow! Thanks so very much for going through the trouble to show us the step-by-step! Gee, it doesn't look difficult, but it takes a lot of work to do this up! It's so detail. Really appreciate your sharing. Okay, in order not to waste your effort, I MUST try this out!
Btw, I also have 24hours like you lah! Except I don't have a young Zakris like you, I've passed that stage liao! ;)
WOW!! Thank you very much for putting your effort on this step-by-step procedures and very precise demonstration. I really really appreciate it. That's very kind of you! I've no experience on this but will definately give it a try when I get the fondant and colourings. Thank you very much again!
Hi Jane & Grace,
U're always welcome! Hope to have more things to share with you guys ;-) And look forward to seeing your bumble bees buzzing around soon!
Hi quizzine,
I've two piece of news for you.
Firstly, I made the bb with my twins today! My kids were elated, and they have treated the bb as their pet! Check out my latest post. However, I found that mine is not as pretty as yours! Heehee...
Secondly, I sent your link to my friend who was looking for some "bugs" for her cupcakes. Your step-by-step tutorial was so detail and her bb were really nice (definitely nicer than mine!)
Hey, I'm thinking of a new "label" for you - tutorials. This shall be your first tutorial page! You're very good at this now! :)
Thanks again for sharing!
Hi Jane,
Saw your kids and your works! They are creative, have they got the 'baking' genes from you?
Tks of creating a new label for me, was too lazy and just put it under 'miscellaneous'.... Hopefully your friend find this useful too ;-)
Thanks very much quizzine for sharing the method of making bumble bee. It's very fun playing with it. Cheers!
Hi Grace,
It's really easy and fun to work with fondant, like playing play-doh, right? Hope to create more interesting & cute creatures when i have the time ;-)
I know I am about 2 years late but I love this post! Thank you so much! I am going to try and make these for my daughter's first birthday!
Hi Jill K,
Tks for dropping by. And trust you have a great birthday bash for your gal! Happy belated birthday to your little one ;-))
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