This is my longest break from blogging and I was almost contemplating to neglect it totally. I'm so sorry if anyone is waiting for an update on this 'pathetic' blog, that is if there is anyone LOL. I can't promise a regular posting but will try my best to keep my hobby going and this blog alive.
Actually, there are a couple of recipes that I will be posting, but this Lao Po Bing "step-by-step" will take priority as it's a long overdue request & promise. I only managed to get it done whilst I was on my 3-weeks holiday at my sis' place in US. This recipe originated from Florence's Do What I Like, but it seems that the post cannot be found in Florence's blog anymore.
Ingredients/ Method:
Water dough
100g cake flour
25g icing sugar
25g butter (cubed) or shortening or margarine or lard
40g water
Oil dough
100g cake flour
45-50g shortening or lard
50g candied winter melon, chopped to bite size
55-60g castor sugar
70g commercialised glutinous rice flour (koh fun)
18g shortening
15g white sesame seeds, roasted
12g dessicated coconut (can be omitted)
120g boiled drinking water, room temp.
Egg Wash
1 yolk + 1 tsp water + a pinch of salt
1. Pastry:
Water dough: Rub butter into sieved flour and icing sugar till breadcrumb-like. Add in water till a pliable dough is formed. Cling wrap dough and rest for 30 to 45 mins. Divide dough into 12 equal portions.
Oil dough: Rub shortening into flour till well mixed. Cling wrap and leave it aside to rest for 30 to 45 mins. Divide dough into 12 equal portions.
2. Filling: Put all ingredients into a big bowl, mix till well combined. Divide filling into 12 equal portions.
3. Flatten a piece of water dough. Place a piece of oil dough in the centre of water dough.
4. Wrap oil dough with water dough.
5. Press and roll out dough into a longish flat piece with a rolling pin. (I didn't do a good job here.)
6. Roll it up like swissroll style.
7. Turn the dough 90 degrees.
8. Roll it into a longish flat piece.
9. Roll it up like swissroll style again.
10. Pinch the 2 side edges.
11. Using hand, shape it into a flat circular shape.

13. Wrap up the filling with the dough. Ensure dough completely covers the filling.

14. Using hand, roll the dough to make it like a round ball. Then flatten it with a rolling pin. Egg wash the dough.

15. Bake in pre-heated oven at 200 deg C for 20 to 25 mins or until golden brown.
POP (Pig Out Party)
Just last Saturday, I attended my 2nd bloggers' party which was initiated by Eelin and it was held at Jo's cosy home. In fact, I'm surprised initially with the invitation but very happy that I got invited. Since my baking bug hasn't returned, I'd chosen to bring tau suan instead of baked stuff. All my other blogger friends put in so much efforts and brought along super sumptuous and tempting homemade TLC cakes, puffs, ice-cream, pizza, fried fritters, chwee kueh, and alot more. The gathering was very enjoyable and I look forward to another one soon. I promised to do a proper dish the next time! You can visit the wonderful blog of my friends here, plus many of them have put up pictures that will make you salivate & envious of our POP party.
Jo of Sugar & everything nice
Edith of Precious moments
Jane of Passionate about baking
Doris of Tested & tasted
Jess of J3ss kitch3n
Zhou Yuan of Baking library
Grace of Kitchen corner
Bee Bee of Honey bee sweet
Cathy of Cathy's joy
Thank your for your generosity in sharing this recipe with steps by steps as I cannot find any "decent" tau sar peng in the States. I will make some during this coming Autumn Lantern Season.
Glad that you could make it! It was good to see you too!
Gee, a lot of work for "lao po bing"! You really have the patience to make this, and so pro somemore! Yummy!
love the pictures! just wondering - how did you get the individual ingredients for the filling? i don't think i've seen candied winter melon around - mind sharing where you got it from? thanks!
and yes i'm jealous at all the good food you guys had at the party!
Wah! Seems this 'wife' biscuit is quite tedious to make but kudos to you for making it!
Hi Theresa,
Hope you will enjoy this lao po bing ;))
Hi Jane,
I don't mind to spend a bit more efforts for good stuffs, don't you? ..keke
Hi Janine,
All the ingredients can be bought from local store. You can find candied winter melon (冬瓜条) at any chinese medical hall like Hock Hua, the Koh Fun from Phoon Huat. Hope this helps.
Hi busygran,
It's actually not that tedious when you get a hang of it! Go ahead and try if you like to eat lao po bing ;))
Hi, thanks for posting this my mum loves these and I've been trying to find a recipe to make some but I was wondering if you could roll out all the water dough then enclose the oil dough like you would in puff dough to skip rolling and enclosing x12. is that possible? Thanks again :)
they look so good!! :D
Hi Karen,
Tks! Not only are they are, they are pretty easy to make too!
Hello! I live in India now and we have been missing these babies, big time. For anyone with access to indian sweets, Petha is the candied winter melon you're looking for.
Can you use butter instead of lard ?
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