Although it's another 4 more days before Zakris turns 3 years old, we had an advance birthday celebration yesterday. Time really flies and it only seem yesterday that i was cuddling him in my arms, and now he's already running, jumping around everywhere, and we are having decent conversations or sometimes 'arguments'. In another blink of eyes, he'll be a young fine man ;-p (which means i will be an 'old lady').
Last year when we celebrated his birthday, i think he doesn't really understand what birthday celebration is all about. Now that he's 1 year wiser, he's requesting his favourite things like cars, buses, train, depot, heart-shapes, stars etc on his birthday cake, and also that he wanted to celebrate his birthday and 'blow candle, cut cake' in the school.
It was another attempt of fondant making, and it took me more than a week to plan what to put on his cake, and a few days to slowly mould the figurines. When it almost took shape on Friday, Zak let out a glee and the sparkle in his eyes make the hours spent ever so worthwhile. Every now and then before the party, he will request to look and touch the figurines, which i happily allow.
Not everything Zak requested went on the cake, but I try to 'accomodate' as many as possible of his favourites on the 2-tiers 6" and 9" cake. These are the little things that Zak like, and maketh his birthday cake ;-)