This week has not been a good week for me. I'd not been feeling well since last weekend after Zak's birthday celebration. First came the body ache and fever, and followed by gastric. I didn't know that gastric pain can be so excruciating, and there's this nagging cramp every now and then. Hopefully it'll self-recover by next week.
Seeing that I go to bed much earlier than before, and knowing that I'd been to the doctor, my boy appears to be very concerned. On couple of nights, he would come to my bed side and ask me whether I'm feeling better and stroked my forehead, chest and stomache. Ohh... whatever pain there is would have been soothed. Just today, after hearing that I'm still not well, he asked me to go to the doctor again "...and if I still don't recover, can see the doctor 1000 times". So innocent and yet so lovable and touched.
Regardless, I've been thinking of baking something else to contribute to this month Aspiring Bakers , to use up all the egg whites and to make something out of the 3 lemons that have been sitting in my fridge for a long time.
Seeing that I go to bed much earlier than before, and knowing that I'd been to the doctor, my boy appears to be very concerned. On couple of nights, he would come to my bed side and ask me whether I'm feeling better and stroked my forehead, chest and stomache. Ohh... whatever pain there is would have been soothed. Just today, after hearing that I'm still not well, he asked me to go to the doctor again "...and if I still don't recover, can see the doctor 1000 times". So innocent and yet so lovable and touched.
Regardless, I've been thinking of baking something else to contribute to this month Aspiring Bakers , to use up all the egg whites and to make something out of the 3 lemons that have been sitting in my fridge for a long time.

I'm glad that I've at least accomplished baking something today. Not only that, I overcome my fear of making a swiss roll - fear that it will not roll up at all, fear that it will crack and break mid-way, fear that it will be too dry, etc. I'm also more ready to try it because I got a proper sheet pan (which I just bought and used it to make Zak's Strawberry long bus cake), and there's a highly recommended recipe for sponge cake/ swiss roll ( which I'd also used it for Zak's Strawberry long bus cake).

Afterall, the rolling is not as daunting as it seems to be *phew*. And I'm satisfied with the texture and appearance, this being my first try. You can be assured that I'll be trying out other flavours and designs in time to come.
Passionfruit Sponge Cake
(Recipe adapted & slightly modified from Kitchen Corner)
Ingredients/ Method:
A) 100g egg yolk (about 6 eggs)
20g caster sugar
B) 160g egg white (about 4.5 eggs)
75g caster sugar
40g unsalted butter
55g plain flour (I substituted with cake flour)
2tbsp passionfruit juice (extracted from 2 passionfruits, see above picture)
1. Prepare a baking tray (11" x 14") lined with baking paper. Melt the butter than set a side to cool.
2. Using electric mixer, whisk the egg yolks with sugar in a double boiler until thicken and pale.
3. In another bowl whisk the egg whites with caster sugar until stiff peak.
4. Fold the egg yolks into the egg whites then gently fold in the sifted flour.
5. Pour some mixture (4) into a clean bowl then mix in the melted butter and passionfruit juice until well combine. Pour back into the mixture of (4) and mix gently until everything well combine.
6. Pour the batter into prepared baking tray and spread evenly.
7. Bake at 190 deg C for 12 minutes. Be careful not to over bake it.
8. Remove the cake from the baking tray immediately when it is out from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Tear out the side of the baking paper and let it completely cool down and ready to use.
Passionfruit Cream
1/2 cup whipping cream
3 passionfruits
1. Whisk whipping cream until stiff peak.
2. Add in passionfruit pulps into whipped cream, one at a time until well combined.
3. Stored in fridge until ready to use.

How to Roll
1. When the cake is cooled, removed the parchment paper.
2. Put a new piece of parchment paper on the cooled cake. Gently turn the cake using another wire rack (or using the sheet pan).
3. Spread passionfruit cream on the entire cake.
4. Putting a clean dry kitchen towel under the cake makes rolling easier.
5. Lift up the parchment paper and roll the cake about 1 inch and hold to set the position. Using 2 hands, start to roll the cake using the parchment paper, and when in rolling motion use one hand to lift up the kitchen towel and continue to roll till the end.
6. Tighten the rolled cake and place the cake seam side down.
7. Fold the 2 sides of the parchment paper (like a candy sweet) to hold the rolled cake and put in the fridge to set the shape.

I'm submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #5: Fruity March hosted by Jess of Bakericious.
This cake is very soft and fluffy, and the passionfruit cream gives a refreshing taste! Do give it a try :))
This looks seriously delicious...!
Very pretty Swiss roll, I love the brown colored skin which I am not able to achieve ;(
Hi quizzine,
I hope you're feeling better. Hope you get well really soon. I understand what you meant when Zakris showed his concern. It's so heart-warming, isn't it?
I must say, your swiss roll is not good, it's totally PERFECT! I love the colour and the cease-free browns you had. Gee, you can make this so beautifully despite being unwell...
Anyway, take care my friend.
Thats the best thing about home baking. Can create the flavours of swissroll we want. :) get well soon
This is a perfect swiss roll! So neatly done! Hope you get well soon!
very beautiful and delicious swiss roll!
i hope you are feeling better now! take care!
Hi Cooking Gallery,
Thanks and this is indeed delicious ;-))
Hi Cathy,
The first time I did this cake, I didn't get this nice brown skin. I think it's because of the oven temperature.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for your concern! Yes, kids are really god-send especially after a day of hardwork or when our feelings are down :-))
Hehehe...this is not perfect yet but I can't complain much for this first swiss roll!
Hi Aimei,
Totally agree with you, but I can't run away from the usual durian swiss roll though...kekeke
Hi Wen,
Thanks for your well-wishes! Kind words like yours always encourage me to do better and blog more :p
Hi Jess,
Tks so much for your well-wishes and kind words!
Very very neatly rolled swiss roll ! and to go with passion fruit cream.... must be sooo yummy !
Hi Joyce,
Tks! All my testers gave the thumbs up for this ;P So happy!
Your swiss roll is perfectly rolled & with the skin intake. Great job!
Tks, DG :-))
TAKE CARE! (: my mum is also down with gastric. anyways, the swiss roll look so LOVELY and yummy! (:
congrats! i've got award for you. pick it up from my blog (:
Thanks Sweetylicious for the award!
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