One of my closest friends recently shifted house and the group of girlfriends decided to do a bbq at her place... not a housewarming (just a gathering), otherwise I would get her a chopper as she said her apartment lack of one...hahaha. Anyway each of us brought something for the bbq, so it's not that tiring for the host. Think she would be a dead-meat if she's doing it alone. It was a fun gathering but the night ended early as my little boy started to get grouchy when it's near his sleeping time. Something unusual happen when he reached home - he kept crying and can't really get to sleep and insisted i carry him. Either he was playing too much earlier or some kinda of unexplained presence **eerie**. Alas it didn't last very long, just about 2 hours before he's into deep slumber again.

I also made a few bumble bee cupcakes for the little children. Wanted to prepare the fondant bees earlier in the week, but this week was simply too busy at work and tiring. Only managed to mould them yesterday morning, and let dry in air-conditioned room for an hour plus. Just in time for bbq and hope to have another one soon ;-)

Ingredients/ Method:
(makes 6 standard-size cupcakes)
60g unsalted butter, softened
70g caster ugar
95g self-raising flour
65ml milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1. Preheat oven at 180 deg C.
2. Beat all ingredients, except flour, until well combined.
3. Add in flour and beat until batter is pale and smooth.
4. Pour batter into lined cupcake tin and bake for 30 mins or until cooked and golden.
5. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Updated 25/4/2011: You may click on this link for step-by-step of making these cute Bumble Bees.
So sweet...I love the bees! I think I cannot bare to bite into the cute bee....speaking from another "bee" that is, haha! Great job!
The bees are very cute! I like it too! Can you teach me how to make the bees please?
Hi quizzine,
Your bumble bees are just so adorable! Ya, can teach me how you made the beezzzz? :p
can fondant be eaten>? plasticky taste?
Hi Honey Bee Sweets,
Tks! I didnt eat the bees too, only the little children did ;-)
Hi Grace and Jane,
Tks! You guys think and 'talk' alike...haha. No problem, i still have some fondant, and will show u guys the step-by-step, but give me some time to shoot and put up ;-)
Hi Anonymous,
Tks for dropping by. Yes, fondant can be eaten. They don't taste 'plasticky'; it tasted very very sweet, with those 'mentos' sweet type of texture?!
Love these they are adorable! We have featured them in our 25 best birthday animal cupcakes at http://partycupcakeideas.com/25-birthday-party-animal-cupcake-ideas/
Hi. I'm new to cake decorating and I am just wondering how you got the flower petal to stay on the side of the cupcakes?? Thanks!
Hi anonymous,
Sorry for the delayed reply. I think the trick is to have the flower small, and just a swab a little water on the flower and it'll stick to the base.
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